Getting allergies as an adult — and what to do about it

If you are an adult who doesn’t suffer from allergies, congratulations!


Allergies can happen at any age. And experiencing them for the first time as an adult can be downright aggravating.


“You have to have exposure to something to be allergic to it,” saidCharles Frey, Jr., DO,an allergist withOSF HealthCare.



Allergies are maddening – and not just because of the symptoms.

They are unpredictable. You could spend years being exposed to certain pollens before experiencing symptoms.

Young pretty woman sneezing in front of blooming tree

Allergies cannot be “caught” like a virus such asCOVID-19或者普通感冒。过敏的能力是遗传的。

“Allergies run in families,” Dr Frey said.

So, if one of your parents has a spring tree allergy, you might develop a tree pollen allergy — or not. Instead, you might develop a ragweed allergy that leaves you sneezing in the fall.

And allergies can skip a generation, so even if your parents have no allergy symptoms, you might develop them.

“Probably about 80% of adults with inhalant allergies carry them from childhood,” Dr. Frey said. “But adults can develop allergies at any age. I have seen patients develop new seasonal or perennial allergies in their 50s or 60s.”

What kinds of allergies?

About 20% of the adult population suffers from one or more types of allergies, Dr. Frey said. There are two types of allergic rhinitis, or inhalant allergies — meaning things that people breathe in. Those types are seasonal and perennial.

Seasonal allergies occur only during specific times, especially when certain plants are pollinating. Once the pollination process is completed, allergy symptoms tend to subside.

Dr. Frey outlined the three main allergy “seasons” in the Midwest

  • Trees, which pollinate in April and May
  • Grasses, which pollinate in May, June, and early July
  • Ragweed, which pollinates in late August, September and early October

One misconception people have about most seasonal allergies is that they are allergic to the trees or grasses themselves. That’s not true. The pollen is the allergen. Once the pollen dissipates, it’s fine to be around the grass or the trees. Until next year’s pollen season.

Perennial allergies can occur year-round. These include:

  • Animal dander
  • Dust or dust mites
  • Indoor mold

“Perennial allergies can actually be worse during the winter months because people are indoor more often and windows are closed,” Dr. Frey said.

In addition, outdoor mold can trigger allergy symptoms at wetter times of year.

Treating allergy symptoms

If you begin to experience new symptoms, see an allergist. The allergist can test to pinpoint the kinds of allergies affecting you, and strategize the best treatment plan.

Providers help patients fight allergies in three main ways:

  • Environmental controls, such as keeping windows closed during outdoor mold and pollen seasons, keeping a pet out of sleeping spaces or limiting outdoor time during pollen seasons.
  • Allergy medications, including antihistamines and nasal products. “Allergy medications have the advantage of working fairly quickly,” Dr. Frey said.
  • Immunotherapy, or allergy shots, to build immunity to the allergen over a period of years


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Not treatingallergy symptomscan be a bad idea. A person with allergies may be more prone to secondary infections. Those include sinus infection or asthma that can develop from severe pet dander allergies.


“The good news is that leading a healthy lifestyle is both good for you and helps you tolerate conditions like the effects of allergies,” Dr. Frey said. “But simply living a healthy life has no bearing on whether or not you will experience allergy symptoms.”

About Author:Nancy Piccione

南希·皮乔内曾是一名记者、公关专家和在家教育孩子的母亲。她拥有凯尼恩学院(Kenyon College)的英语学士学位和西北大学(Northwestern University)的梅迪尔新闻学院(Medill School of Journalism)的硕士学位。

She and her husband, Joseph, have called Central Illinois “home” for the past 25 years. They have three young adult children. She is a lover of book clubs, hiking, board games, and travel.

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Categories:Preventive Health