
Design Lab

DesignLab.jpgFor decades, companies, innovators and entrepreneurs have designed technology and tools for providers, patients and hospitals without taking that proverbial mile-long walk in their shoes. However, that method no longer works in the era of the consumer. People are looking for products that address their needs and ultimately solve their real-world problems.

How might we create paths that fit each person’s journey?

Human-centered design starts and ends with people. It’s about building empathy for those an organization serves by getting to know them better. With that in mind, the Design Lab works closely with end-users, including patients, families, clinicians or others to design solutions that are engaging and life-changing.

In collaboration with other labs, the Design Lab will generate ideas, build prototypes, test with end-users and eventually offer solid solutions in health care. With a focus on community health, the Design Lab will gather information on the streets of urban communities and in the fields of rural towns to create technology and tools for vulnerable populations.

Designing the future

  • Heart failure app:Clinicians often find it difficult to help patients manage complex medical conditions such as heart failure as it often includes taking multiple medications, self-care routines and diet and lifestyle changes. As a result, the Design Lab is developing a heart failure app as a resource to help patients manage their condition.
  • Skin lesion app:最近的一项研究表明,医学院没有为皮肤学提供足够的课程,这使得初级保健医生很难诊断和治疗基本的皮肤问题。为此,设计实验室正在开发一款应用程序,以帮助识别皮肤损伤,确定其严重程度,并选择正确的治疗方法。这款应用不仅用于教学,还可以供初级保健医生使用,而这些医生往往是一些患者唯一会去看的临床医生。一个不那么复杂的版本可以扩展到病人个人使用。
  • Mobile devices in shelters program:The homeless are some of the most underserved people in the country when it comes to health care. To make a dent in this problem, the Design Lab is testing the use of placing iPads in shelters for use by residents. The goal is to connect those in need with resources, such as food, transportation or employment. Users can also use the mobile device to connect with faith community nurses who deliver health care to disadvantaged populations where they are.
  • Mobile vaccination program:Vaccinating children in underserved populations remains a high priority for OSF HealthCare. A grant from Illinois Innovation Network will help the Design Lab in partnership with Illinois State University do just that. The funding will be used to develop an artificial intelligence-driven dashboard. Data from the dashboard will direct a mobile vaccination program that provides free recommended children’s vaccinations in underserved areas of central Illinois.

Help us create health care solutions people want!

If you are interested in learning more about the Design Lab, participating in certain aspects of the journey or if you want to invest or partner,contact us today.

Scott Barrows
Scott Barrows Design Lab Lead
Adam Cross, MD
Adam Cross, MD Collaborator, Children's Innovation Lab
Roopa Foulger
Roopa Foulger Collaborator, Data and Advanced Informatics Lab