Back & Neck Therapy

OSF Rehabilitation takes pride, in all areas, to educate its clinicians by providing and encouraging continuing education. Because of this, OSF clinicians are able to incorporate up-to-date, research-based care and apply to each patient’s specific needs.

What is Back & Neck Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy uses a research and patient based approach to back and neck pain. You will be evaluated by an orthopedic physical therapist.

Based on your evaluation, your therapist will have recommendations which may include exercises, “hands on” therapy or other interventions.

You and your therapist, together, will come up with the best approach and plan for your neck or back pain treatment.

Who Is It For?

Anyone with neck, upper back or lower back pain may benefit from Physical therapy. Depending on the cause of your pain, your therapist will work with you to determine the best course of treatment.

This may include exercise, hands on techniques, or other approaches to help decrease your back pain.

What to Expect

The first visit will take a little longer, approximately 45 minutes to an hour. This provides the therapist time to talk with you and gather information and measurements. Based on the findings of your initial evaluation, your PT will discuss the best course of treatment.

The therapist will likely give you a home exercise program to get you started on the road to recovery.

How to Get Started

You’ll need a physician’s referral to set up an initial evaluation appointment.

What to Bring


When to Arrive

Arrive about 15 minutes prior to your scheduled visit to complete your registration process. For children under the age of 18, a parent or guardian must be present for the initial appointment.