OSF Saint Francis Medical Center

Peoria, Illinois

Volunteer Opportunities


We would like to talk with you and discuss some unique and flexible opportunities to volunteer; to become an extension of our Community of Caregivers. Whatever your reason...

  • You or your family member have been a patient at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center and/or Children’s Hospital of Illinois
  • You desire to serve others
  • You are pursuing or considering a health care career

Whether your goal is one of the above or something different, we hope to find a good fit; just right for you and those we serve. We have a variety of assignments at various sites which have direct and indirect contact with patients

Are you someone who wants to help others? Our volunteer team is made up of dedicated individuals who bring a personal touch to helping comfort our patients and visitors directly or indirectly. We enjoy a wide variety of different ages and backgrounds. All of these passions and skills bring the greatest care and love to our patients, families and visitors. Our volunteers are respected as true Mission partners, an important part of the whole health care team.

If you are a current volunteer, we thank you for your time and service! If you a person looking to get involved, we have provided you with more information on the opportunities that await you as either an adult volunteer or a student volunteer. This information will provide steps on how to get started with the application process.

Our Volunteer Leadership

It takes time and attention to detail to organize hundreds of volunteers. We have a core team at the Volunteer Services’ office that is dedicated to finding a good fit for the skills and passion of the volunteer and the best match for the needs of the patients and staff. This includes discussing the unique and flexible opportunities at various sites which have direct or indirect contact with patients. In order for the staff to best discuss this, the first step is a completed online application.