Outpatient Palliative Care

female palliative care patient in a wheelchairBeing diagnosed with a serious illness can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to go through it alone.

OSF Outpatient Palliative Care is a specialty consultative practice that provides an extra layer of support with a variety of services tailored to meet your needs and help you live your best life.

Outpatient palliative care serves patients with serious illnesses by offering support in their homes or at office locations and clinics.

Our focus is to help you achieve your goals and to help you navigate everything you need to know – from your medical issues to your social, emotional and spiritual needs.

Your Outpatient Palliative Care Team

Support is provided by a customized team of caregiving specialists, including a physician, nurse practitioner, nurse, social worker and spiritual leader.

As a team, we strive to provide symptom management and give you the best care consistent with your goals.

Through outpatient palliative care, members of the caregiving team work with your doctor to connect all the pieces of your care. They help you:

  • Better understand your disease management, prognosis and medical choices
  • Get relief from your symptoms, pain and emotional stress at any stage of your illness
  • Connect you with resources in your community to help improve your quality of life

Treatment Plan

Through in-depth conversations and family meetings, we help you and your family review the options for the appropriate care for your whole well-being. Depending on your wishes and values, we will then develop a unique treatment plan for you.

We will coordinate your care with your providers and offer extra support.

Connecting With Us

If you would like information about our clinic or home-based palliative care services, call (800) 446-3009, Option 6,Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Current patients with immediate needs can use that same number to talk to a provider.