Woman holds lower stomach in pain.


Endometriosis is fairly common among women, but it can be hard to diagnose. Symptoms of endometriosis can overlap with symptoms common in other health conditions.

Take this quiz to determine how likely you are to have endometriosis. Answer each question withyesorno.


  1. Do you experience severe cramps before and during your period?
  2. Do you bleed more than you think is normal and for longer than seven days during your period?
  3. Do you experience pain during sexual intercourse?
  4. Have you tried to get pregnant for at least a year without any success?
  5. Do you have recurring gastrointestinal issues?

If you answered yes to having one or more of these symptoms, you may have endometriosis. Share your symptoms with your doctor and discuss the possibility of endometriosis.

What is endometriosis?

Endometriosis occurs when uterine tissue grows in places that aren’t the uterus.




Dr. Foster’s advice: “Don’t ignore the pain.”

Other symptoms

Heavy bleeding


这也意味着你每月的出血可能会更多。Going through more than one tampon or pad every two hours is a good indicator that your bleeding is heavier than it should be.

Painful sex

There are many reasons why you might experience pain during sex, but if you experience this in conjunction with some other key symptoms, it may point to endometriosis.



Infertility among women with untreated or unmanaged endometriosis is high. About 24%- 50% of women experiencing infertility are likely suffering from endometriosis whether they know it or not.




Gastrointestinal issues

Endometriosis can cause inflammation, which affects gastrointestinal function, especially if the uterine tissue is growing near the digestive tract. That’s why diarrhea, constipation, nausea and painful bowel movements may signal endometriosis.

Why is it so hard to diagnose endometriosis?

It takes an average of six to 10 years of experiencing symptoms before a woman usually gets diagnosed with endometriosis.


“To definitively diagnose it, you have to have surgery,” Dr. Foster said.

It’s hard for doctors to justify surgery unless they are fairly certain endometriosis is the cause of the symptoms. That’s why Dr. Foster recommends keeping a detailed account of your menstrual cycle.

“The best thing is to keep a very detailed menstrual calendar,” she said. “Rank your pain level every day and write down your symptoms, such as when the pain started, how long it lasted and whether it came before or after the onset of bleeding.”

About Author:Katie Faley

凯蒂·法利(Katie Faley)是OSF HealthCare的写作协调员。她毕业于伊利诺斯州立大学,获得了英语研究学位。在2021年加入OSF HealthCare之前,她曾从事杂志编辑、数字营销和自由写作。
Katie is often found listening to ‘60s folk music, deciding on a new skill to learn, losing track of time in a library or spending time with her family and friends.

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Categories:Women's Health