Conflict of Interest

Conflict of Interest & Disclosure Process

At OSF HealthCare, we value our relationships with our vendors and suppliers. However, we do not want our employees to favor the services or products sold by certain companies because our employees have received gifts or other benefits from those companies. All OSF employees should make decisions based on what is best for our patients and for the OSF Ministry.

Conflict of Interest Policies
Conflict of Interest & Disclosure Process(PDF - 368.8 KB)

A conflict of interest is a situation in which an employee’s judgment may be clouded by his or her own interests, rather than considering what is best for our patients and the OSF Ministry.

In order to provide general guidance and standards for our employees to follow when dealing with vendors, OSF has established and distributed the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Process (CC-701) policy. Employees are expected to follow this policy to avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance of conflicts.

All OSF employees have a duty to act honestly and with integrity. They also have a duty to make decisions on behalf of, and in the best interest of, the OSF Ministry and its patients.

The decisions we make every day and the way in which we approach our work greatly impacts the success of our Mission. If we are to serve with the greatest care and love, then we must remain true to our OSF Values of Integrity, Leadership and Trust.
- Sister Diane Marie, O.S.F. - President, OSF HealthCare

To enable OSF to manage, reduce or eliminate conflicts of interest, designated employees and other individuals who are engaged in making or influencing decisions on behalf of OSF or its patients are required to disclose through an online disclosure system, at least on an annual basis, all significant financial interests and relevant personal interests related to their work responsibilities.

OSF HealthCare works very hard to manage or eliminate conflicts of interest. We want to protect our reputation as an honest and respectable health care provider in the communities we serve. Even the appearance of a conflict of interest can affect that reputation.