Create Account

Young woman sits at a desk with a laptopCreate your free, personal account anytime throughthe OSF MyChart website.Make sure you provide accurate information in all required fields.

Note:If you previously created an OSF MyChart account but cannot access it,do notcreate a new account. Follow the steps foruser/password recoveryor call (855) 673-4325.

Once you have completed the form to create your account, click theSubmitbutton at the bottom of the page.

Create User Name and Password

You will be directed to create a user name and password, both of which will be required each time you log into OSF MyChart, whether on a personal computer or via the MyChart app on your mobile device.


Note:This form cannot be used to request access to a family member’s account. Once you have established your own account, you may log in and visit theRequest Family Accesssection in the Menu for information regarding how to request access to a family member’s account.