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Data-driven initiative drives down disparities in rural health care

February 23, 2021 - AHA Center for Health Innovation : Market Scan

Sarah Stewart de Ramirez, M.D., MPH, spoke at the AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference recently to outline work being done by HEAL to close the gap in breast cancer screening.

Grant Helps OSF Tackle Breast Cancer Screening & Treatment Disparities

August 31, 2021 - OSF HealthCare Newsroom

OSF HealthCare is leveraging what it has learned during the COVID-19 pandemic to improve breast cancer screening among minority and low-income patients.

25 Women in Leadership: Sarah Stewart de Ramirez

August 25, 2020 - 25 News WEEK

Sarah Stewart de Ramirez, M.D., MPH and leader of the Health Equities Action Lab was recognized as a 25 Women in Leadership for her work to optimize health outcomes for the most vulnerable patients.