Neurological Therapy

OSF Rehabilitation provides neurological rehabilitation to patients who have lost mobility and function from stroke, neurological diseases or injuries.

Working closely with the patient, the patient’s family and physician, the therapy team develops an individualized treatment plan to help patients achieve the highest level of independence and function.

Who Is It For?

Frequent diagnoses seen in therapy:

OSF Rehabilitation can help patients improve:

  • Walking
  • Accessing the community
  • Balance and fall prevention
  • Self-care tasks
  • Homemaking tasks
  • Visual skills
  • Swallowing
  • Speech impairment
  • Cognition

What Does Neurological Rehabilitation Involve?

Neurological balance therapyPhysical Therapy

Physical therapystaff utilizes a dynamic approach that addresses your strength, flexibility, balance and coordination.

The primary goal is to maximize physical abilities and mobility to enable the patient and the patient’s family to return to his or her previous lifestyle.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapyfocuses on your ability to perform tasks of daily living, such as self-care and homemaking.


Speech Therapy

Ourspeech therapystaff strives to increase independence and safety through communication and swallowing intervention.

Speech, language and voice therapy are designed to improve the ability to communicate effectively for increased independence and participation in the community.

Swallowing intervention focuses on diet texture analysis, compensatory strategies to increase safety with food and drinks, and exercises to strengthen the muscles utilized for chewing and swallowing.

Speech Therapy for Parkinson’s Patients

OSF HealthCare offers a two-partspeech therapyprogram to help people with Parkinson’s regain and maintain their ability to communicate and connect with the world: SPEAK OUT!® and The LOUD Crowd®.


Participants work with speech pathologists on a series of speech, voice and cognitive exercises to convert speaking from an automatic function into an intentional act.

The LOUD Crowd

Upon completion of SPEAK OUT!, this maintenance program of weekly group sessions led by a speech-language pathologist provides group members support, encouragement and accountability to one another.

Participation in The LOUD Crowd, along with daily home practice and six-month re-evaluations, has been shown to help patients maintain their communication skills throughout the progression of Parkinson’s.

Preparing For Neurological Rehabilitation

You will need a physician’s referral to set up an initial evaluation appointment.

What to Bring

Please bring your insurance card and a photo ID. Please wear comfortable clothing and shoes.

When to Arrive

Arrive about 15 minutes prior to your scheduled visit to complete your registration process.

For children under the age of 18, a parent or guardian must be present for the initial appointment.

What to Expect

The first visit will take a little longer, approximately 45 minutes to an hour. This provides the therapist time to talk with you and gather information and measurements.

The therapist may give you a home exercise program to help get you started on your road to recovery.